
Malek Murison

Malek Murison
Malek Murison is a technology writer based in England. He’s covered the world of drones since 2016 and produced articles, copy, and case studies for a number of publications and companies in the industry.

He’s especially interested in projects that use drones to tackle public safety, humanitarian, and conservation challenges. His work for DJI Enterprise spans blogs, guidebooks, and deep dives into how the latest in drone technology is changing lives and helping people work smarter.

Learn more at his website

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Malek Murison by Malek Murison
8월 31, 2022

당사의 뉴스레터를 구독하고 최신 소식과 함께 전자책, 자료 및 제품 업데이트를 받아보세요.