How Endesa Deploys the DJI Dock 2 to Transform Energy Management

Revolutionizing Energy Project Management with Drone-In-A-Box Solutions

By DJI Enterprise DJI Enterprise
June 4, 2024

In the rapidly evolving landscape of sustainable energy, DJI, a global leader in civilian drones and aerial imaging technology, is collaborating with industry pioneers.

Enel, the world's largest private renewable energy operator[1], is at the forefront of deploying sustainable energy solutions across 47 countries. Their Spanish subsidiary, Endesa, is committed to transitioning from traditional energy practices towards achieving Net Zero Carbon in Spain by 2040.

In this quest towards sustainability and efficient project management, DJI is proud to announce a recent collaboration with Endesa to test our latest "drone-in-a-box" solution - DJI Dock 2. Deployed at Teruel Coal Power Station for a five-month test, DJI Dock 2 displayed how it can revolutionize project management in the energy sector and beyond.

This project between Endesa, leading energy company, and DJI leading drone manufacturing company, shows our commitment to thrive for excellence in the quest for a sustainable energy future.  

- Ignacio Santalla, Head of Operations and Maintenance Improvement

DJI Dock 2 & Endesa PPT


The Challenges of Teruel Coal Power Station

After four decades of operation, Endesa decided to decommission and demolish the coal power plant of Teruel as part of its Net Zero Carbon Strategy. Given the complexity of the project,  which demands meticulous planning to ensure the safe demolition of various structures, the Endesa Drone Team was called to the task. Their role was to explore how drone technology can enhance the efficiency and safety of the project.

Just as in construction, demolishing projects are often faced with numerous challenges that can hinder their efficiency and productivity. These challenges can range from poor progress management to inadequate communication during high-risk operations and difficulties in sharing data across teams. It is important to address these challenges to ensure the safety and efficiency of the project. 

A thermal power plant was an ideal location to test the potential benefits of remote drone operations. The plant was located in the province of Teruel, Northeastern Spain, approximately 300km from Madrid, where the Endesa headquarters are. 


Dock 2 and Endesa

Endesa technicians configuring DJI Dock 2 onsite

Unpacking Remote Drone Operations Use Cases

DJI Dock 2 has been meticulously engineered to address these specific pain points in construction or demolition projects. It aids site digitalization, enhances project management, and enables timely decision-making based on real-time data. Let's delve into these features in detail:


FlightHub 2 DJI FlightHub 2, an all-in-one cloud-based drone operations management platform

Site Digitalization:

Equipped with a 4/3 CMOS camera with a mechanical shutter, M3D can create an accurate model of a site, which can be directly generated into a 3D model on FlightHub 2. The 3D site model can be used for deploying a construction team or overlaying the design documents.


3D model map of the site

Progress Tracking:

Engineers from Endesa configured the DJI Dock 2 to capture photos from varying angles twice weekly to track the dismantling progress. The result is a comprehensive view of the site, helping to monitor progress and prompt immediate action.


Dock 2 flight route settings


Model Comparison:

DJI FlightHub 2 enables you to compare site maps at different intervals, facilitating progress tracking, pinpointing potential issues, and promptly addressing them.


Before and after shots of the site 


Real-time Operation Monitoring:

DJI Dock 2 allows pilots to control the M3TD in real-time via a PC manually. This capability, coupled with the M3TD's thermal camera, enables monitoring of special procedures even through thick smoke in operations such as oxyfuel-cutting.

Thermal heat monitoring


Pre-blast Real-Time Inspection

Furthermore, it facilitates pre-blast inspections via real-time manual control from a PC. As shown in the image below, the drone's zoom lens allows for detailed assessments of structures before demolition. This enables informed decision-making and effective risk management.

Assessment of site before demolition


Additionally, FlightHub 2 allows the sharing of live drone footage via QR code, significantly improving teamwork efficiency and real-time decision-making during operations.


Simultaneous live stream sharing


Routine Assets Inspections:

During a test, Endesa planned a mission to inspect a cooling tower. First, they created a 3D model on FlightHub 2 with data captured by M3D. Then, based on the 3D model, they made a mission plan on FlightHub 2 using the "Flight route editor" function; after data collection, they could annotate, document detailed inspection reports, and ensure regular asset maintenance.


Cooling tower inspection


Dock 2 Features and Highlights

DJI Dock 2 and Flighthub 2 offer an automated, reliable, and functional solution for construction projects.

Dock 2

  • M3D professional mapping camera: 4/3CMOS + mechanical shutter
  • IP55 of docking station: reliable in most construction sites
  • Easy to deploy: 34kg easy to transport and deploy
  • Precise landing: ensuring mission safety

DJI FlightHub 2

  • Cloud reconstruction: managing drone operation with one functional platform
  • Model comparison: visualizing construction progress
  • QR code share: delivering real-time information for cross-team cooperation


DJI has designed Dock 2 and FlightHub 2 to be an all-encompassing, reliable, and effective solution for various construction projects.

customer photo


DJI has gone a step further with technology and solution development, as they always do.

I am convinced that this will be the flagship product in the coming years and this is the direction that the drone industry must take towards process automation. 

-Samuel Rodriguez

Responsible for Drone Operations, Endesa OMI



To watch the detailed how-to video, click here.

To download the free project PowerPoint, click here.

To learn more about DJI Dock 2, click here.





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