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Public Safety | Product Innovation

Police Operations Made More Effective with Drones

Police forces in the UK face an increasing challenge in finding more efficient ways to fight crime as the number of police officers dropped14% over th..
Erick Razon by Erick Razon
November 13, 2018

Drone Ecosystem | AEC & Surveying

Pioneering Australia’s Drone-Empowered Construction Services

Construction projects have many components that require monitoring and reporting, which is why they are often delayed and run over budget. By deployin..
Hailey Peng by Hailey Peng
September 20, 2018

Public Safety

Searching Through the Darkness - a Life Saved With a Drone

Lincolnshire Police oversees a vast open county in the UK with officers spread thinly across it. It started its drone program in March 2017 to explore..
Erick Razon by Erick Razon
August 17, 2018

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